the spiders are late (2021) - 3 minutes
arrangement: mezzo-soprano, electric guitar, drum set, live electronics
« back to works“RING RING RING,” the alarm blares. “Darn!”, I think, as my 8 legs convulse in the sunlight. This is the third time I’ve snoozed my alarm, and now I’m late for my very important meeting. With excruciating caution, I put my sweater on, careful not to damage my delicate cephalothorax. It takes a while to make sure each arm of the sweater is neatly situated on each leg of my body.
I check my cell phone to see how I’m doing on time. Oh no! I’m running 37 minutes late! Upon checking my sMessage (iMessage for spiders), I notice a text from my manager, Jerry, saying he won’t be able to make it to the meeting for another 8 minutes. That’s the number of legs I have! He remarks that Marcy and Jerry (different Jerry) and also Marcy will be tardy as well.
I let out a fierce whimper of relief— thank Areop-Enap, I won’t be blamed for my unfortunate snoozery. In fact, the sMessage says factually, all of the spiders are late! What a lovely surprise…
I'm incredibly grateful to Doug Hertz and Sasha Paris-Carter for their efforts in premiering this work.